about RSPO

Palm oil is an ingredient present in a very wide assortment of food products, underscoring the importance of sustainable production practices of palm oil for the environment and for society.

The Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) was formed in 2004 in order to promote the use of sustainable palm oil products through the introduction of a credible standard, on the one hand, and the collaboration amongst all actors in this chain, on the other.

The RSPO standard hence reflects, amongst others, the continuous striving for, and pursuit of, more sustainable cultivation practices, appropriate working conditions, and the safeguarding and retention of biodiversity. And throughout the entire chain, the RSPO system further guarantees that the palm oil that meets these strict standards effectively originates from an RSPO-certified palm oil plantation.

TÜV NORD INTEGRA offers such certification to enterprises belonging to this chain. For a copy of the certificate which includes details of the site(s) included in the certification, go to

Duurzaamheid - Durabilité - SustainabilityTÜV NORD Integra

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