For over 140 years we have been developing economic solutions and innovations on an excellent level. Skills and a practised corporate culture make us a strong and reliable partner.
Trust, dignity, conscientiousness and social cooperation: employees of the TÜV NORD GROUP adhere to these four fundamental values of business ethics in their dealings with one another, with their partners and clients. All of their actions and thinking is based on the underlying values of in-dependence, responsibility and integrity.
With their skills and commitment, every employee makes a sustainable contribution to the success of the TÜV NORD GROUP and its clients. The orientation on the four fundamental values guarantees an increased feeling of security for ourselves and our clients and partners: we gain trust through competent, reliable and appropriate actions. Our respectful treatment of ethical convictions helps us to meet our responsibility for people, the environment and technology. The appreciation of each individual – also independently of their function – harmonises corporate goals and social togetherness. Our values determine the hallmarks of the TÜV brand.