The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is a non-profit organization which promotes sustainability through its Sustainability Reporting Framework. This Framework is used widely across the world by businesses and organisations to measure and report on their economic, environmental, and social performance- the three pillars of sustainability.
TÜV CYPRUS in collaboration with TÜV HELLAS provides services in the field of independent verification and assurance with regards to the accuracy and validity of the information contained in such sustainability or Corporate Social Responsibility reports.
Verification of Corporate Responsibility Annual Reports are conducted either on the basis of:
Level checks indicate the extent to which the GRI guidelines, GRI-G3/GRI-G 3.1 have been applied in the sustainability reporting of a company. There are three levels for GRI Performance Indicators, Level A, B and C.
Carried out in order to verify the accuracy and reliability of data reported in the Corporate Social Responsibility reports. External assurance can be conducted for the whole report or if the company wishes, on an individual chapter basis. The GRI recommends that Corporate Social Responsibility reports are externally assured and offer the status of Plus ‘+’ on the Level for a report.
Papaflessa 2, 2235 Latsia, Nicosia, Cyprus
P.O.Box: 20732, 1663 Nicosia, Cyprus
Tel.: +357 22442840
Fax: +357 22442850
Papaflessa 2, 2235 Latsia, Nicosia, Cyprus
P.O.Box: 20732, 1663 Nicosia, Cyprus
Tel.: +357 22442840
Fax: +357 22442850