Conference invitation

We warmly invite you to a conference (in czech language) designed for suppliers and those interested in entering the supply chain for the construction of new nuclear power units.

The conference will focus on the requirements of ASME B&PV Code Section III and ISO 19443.

Participants will gain a comprehensive overview of:

  • whether ASME requirements apply to them and how to meet them
  • specific requirements for supplier management systems in the nuclear energy sector, including a comparison of ISO 19443 and ISO 9001

The seminar is intended for manufacturers of nuclear components, designers, producers and suppliers of materials, service providers, and the broader professional public.

In addition to our experts Jan Haškovec and Mojmír Srnec, you can also look forward to representatives from ČEZ, ŠKODA JS, SÚJB, SÚRO and Czech Power Industry Alliance.

The full-day conference program (in czech) please find below.

Date and Time

28. 4. 2025 
Registration from 09:00, start at 10:00, closing at 17:45


Hotel Atlantis, Brno - Rozdrojovice


6.500 Kč / per person without VAT (7.865 Kč / person including VAT)

The price includes catering, a certificate, and materials.

Accommodation costs are not included (Single room: 2,400 CZK per night).

You can register here or via email at

We look forward to seeing you!
Arash Advini, Division Director – Clean Energy Solutions, +420 777 451 664,