Data from plants in Germany, Austria, China, Italy, the Netherlands, Singapore, the UK and Russia were examined.
The sources of emissions considered included energy and coolant consumption, fuel consumption by company vehicles, employee commuting behaviour, business travel, internal and external logistics, waste disposal, as well as raw materials and packaging materials used. Where Ritter Sport is currently unable to further reduce greenhouse gas emissions or where they are not yet recoverable, it takes compensatory measures.
Ritter Sport already started its journey towards carbon neutrality 20 years ago: for example, since 2002 it has been obtaining energy for its production sites exclusively from renewable sources, its own power and heating plant covers almost 70% of the heat and 40% of the electricity consumption at its headquarters and production site in Waldenbuch, and it operates its own cocoa plantation in Nicaragua - one of the largest in the world (1.7 million cocoa trees), half of which is uncultivated forest for the natural development of plant and animal communities.
More information here.