Our References

Our References

  • Throughout Germany assessment for approval of site-related and central interim storage facilities for spent nuclear fuel 
  • Germany-wide monitoring of the construction on-site and central interim storage facilities for spent nuclear fuel 
  • Assessment of radiation fields and heat removal during licensing procedures for transport and storage casks for spent fuel 
  • Assessment of the pilot conditioning facility Gorleben including the buffer storage installation for spent fuel elements 
  • Assessment of shielding from the central storage facility Würenlingen (Switzerland) 
  • Assessment of heat removal from interim storage of NPP Beznau (Switzerland) 
  • Certification of technical aspects with regard to transportation and storage during loading of casks on behalf of authorities in La Hague (France) and Sellafield (UK) 
  • Supporting the Authority in carrying out the European stress tests on nuclear facilities in Germany

TÜV NORD EnSys Hannover