Certification of Data Centers

Certification of Data Centers

In the demanding digital era we are experiencing, data centers are the necessary infrastructure and the heart of most digital services as they gather and transmit all digital information. The most important parameters for the reliability of data centers are their physical security and availability.

EN 50600 is a series of standards aimed at the uniform assessment of information infrastructures, taking a holistic approach to the design, construction and operation of data centers. The main parts of the standard deal with building construction, power distribution, environmental control, telecommunications cabling, security systems, and management and operational information. Accordingly, the classification of data centers is done in classes for availability and security and in levels for energy efficiency.

The certification of data centers according to EN 50600 by an independent and recognized organization, reliably documents physical security and availability and ensures the reduction of availability restrictions and outages.

TÜV HELLAS is in direct cooperation with TÜVIT based in Germany, as members of the TÜV NORD GROUP. TÜVIT has established the TSI.STANDARD since 2001 which is mainly a checklist for the evaluation of data centers, while at the same time it is active in certifications according to EN 50600 based on risk analysis. In recent years, EN 50600 has been evolving internationally with the series of corresponding ISO/IEC 22237 standards.

Based on the Greek legislation and in particular the Law 5069/2023 published in the Official Gazette 193A/28-11-2023, compliance with EN 50600-2-5 as a minimum became mandatory.

Στοιχεία Επικοινωνίας

Λ. Μεσογείων 282
155 62 Χολαργός, Ελλάδα

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