India is projected to be the fastest growing economy in the world, all thanks to the Industrial Revolution. Modern industrial practices came late to India and it took us several years to adopt them but it finally blossomed in the 20th century when India showed the world its potential with various industrial sectors growing at an unstoppable rate. Over the years, we grew economically and this was possible because of our strong demographics. The advent of this industrialisation created a lot of employment opportunities; however it also exposed poor safety measures and safety behaviour.
With new trends in Industrial safety, prevention of accidents-at-work becomes an extremely important aspect of the growing economy, many industries and corporations are thinking about creating best-in-class safety culture for their employees. In order to maintain safe work environment various programmes are conducted but amongst them all Behaviour Based Safety programmes are the ideal way to attain world-class safety. According to an industrial statistic report over 80% of accidents occur due to unsafe act of workers & the remaining due to unsafe work conditions, while the latter can be prevented by providing safe working environments but the former cause require implementation of special programmes which will help change the worker’s mindset and behaviour towards his/her own safety during work.
A culture of Behavioural Based Safety (BBS) focuses an employee’s attention and actions on daily safety behaviour. BBS helps an organization observe and measure the attitudes and behaviours that increase risk and provides feedback to encourage change. Hence implementation of such a programme can help in determining the cause and bringing changes in the worker’s behaviour, sometimes a change in policy, procedures or systems will surely help in improving the work-safety scenario of an organisation. It is a continuous programme which focuses on a companywide successful evolution of safety cultures only to improve over the years.
Every industry adopts a different approach towards minimising work related accidents and serious injuries to their employees on work, and in order to achieve this they take matters in their own hands and often end up losing worker’s morale and loyalty but their main objective is to achieve zero work-related accidents and for this a systematic approach is required like implementation of Behavioural Based Safety (BBS) programs. We at TUV India believe that for effective implementation of BBS program involvement of all employees, from top management to contract/ sub-contract workers is required. Safe working environment can be only built with everyone’s involvement and co-operation in an organisation to reduce accidents at workplace and achieve the goal of zero incidents.
At TUV India we believe safety is ultimately a journey, not a destination, and so there are many things we can do to keep improving & striving towards creating the safest possible working environment. TUV India can support to train BBS (Behaviour based safety) programmes in companies and organisations which will act like catalysts for effective implementation of OHSMS .i.e. OHSAS 18001:2007 and now ISO 45001:2018. With our years of experience in the field of safety, our competent team under our training portfolio can support all organisations to establish world class safety program through behavioural safety modules and help you to get one step closer to ‘being the safest place to work’.
About The Author

TUV India Pvt Ltd