There is no doubt that the e-learning medium has embedded itself firmly in the roots of knowledge enhancement. With evolving technologies of internet connectivity which provide greater speeds and audio-video enhancements, this medium of learning is keeping itself concurrent. Creators of e-learning modules are taking full advantage of the various softwares available in providing the best audio-visual appeal to the modules in addition to enhancing the basic content. Learners are educating themselves at a very nominal cost with diverse and wide choice of relevant subject knowledge.
E-learning can overcome the basic handicap that is observed in Classroom and online trainings regarding different learning and absorbing speeds of different individuals. e-learning medium provides a versatile and flexible methodology that the learner can customize according to his/her situation and requirement.
More and more organisations are choosing to learn through the e-learning medium. The larger organisations, which have a substantial number of employees to train, are finding it more cost effective than the classroom-based trainings because of reduction in training time and controlling of excessive cost on travel and accommodation, which is sometimes much more than the trainer’s fees.
E-learning provides many more benefits than just cost savings. Some of these are that learners can study from the comforts of their own homes, at their own pace and not at the average pace of learning that happens in a classroom training where the trainer modulates the training speed as per the requirements of the variety of participants. Social interaction is reduced, especially between participants of the same company who realise that after the humdrum of office, the training class is a good place for social interludes.
E-learning provides the facility of Focused learning and allows learners to pick up the topics that are easy and relevant to them and skip the difficult ones, which they can learn later, at their convenience. It brings in discipline in the learning by making him the ‘master’ who can control his own learning, as compared to a trainer who is responsible for conducting the training with in a stipulated time and subject format.
Some studies and surveys have indicated that e-learning has benefitted learners much more than classroom and web-based trainings. With facilities like quizzes and self-assessments during the e-learning training, the atmosphere of a classroom training gets created minus the trainer. e-learning meets all good principles of Training which cover Learner engagement, Innovative Approach, Providing effective learning, Formative assessment, Summative assessment, Coherence, Consistency and Transparency, Ease of use and Cost effectiveness.
We may conclude that e-learning has become one of the most important tools for trainers and for knowledge access medium by Learners today. It has made geographical boundaries vanish and provided greater opportunities for collaboration to trainers, training organisations and learners. It has become the preferred learning medium of today !
TUV India Training Academy’s e-learning training courses are specially designed keeping in mind the needs and expectations of learners while focusing on the fundamentals and essentials of the topic of training. Innovative quizzes, examples and scenarios are built into the training courses to provide clarity and self-assessment to the learner. Each course has interactive features that allow the learner to comprehend information easily in a manner that is simple, active, modern and a bit of fun. Other benefits are that the learner can review his activities and download the course certificate.
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TUV India Pvt Ltd