To support and promote the notion of “MAKE IN INDIA” initiative, it is now time for the Indian Railway Component Manufacturers to go International.
India being the 4th largest railway network in the world with a huge in-house supplier base and produces most of the components indigenously with production units spread all over India.
Indian Railways part manufacturer can go international, by obtaining EN 15085 Welding Certification for welding of Railway vehicles and Components, with this certification component manufacturer can supply welded railway components to European Union (EU) railway companies and enter into one of the biggest railway component market.
Indian Railway part manufacturers have extensive experience in the manufacturing of welded components. They can obtain these certifications with a little realignment of resources, systems and by enhancing the competence of personnel involved.
Certification system is controlled by the European Committee for Welding of Railway Vehicles (ECWRV), which promotes cooperation among parties (Manufacturer, Manufacturer certification Body (MCB), ECWRV) involved in manufacturing of welded railway vehicles and components within the European Union.The sole purpose of certification is to ensure the safety of personnel, facilities and environment.
This certification is based on EN 15085-1 to EN 15085-5, series of standards, referenced standards in the EN 15085 and generally accepted rules of technology.
Certificates of EN 15085-2 are issued with Four Certification Levels (CL1, CL2, CL3 and CL4). Certification levels are determined on the basis of Weld Performance Class (CP). Performance Classes are determined by:
1. Safety Category is defined as low, medium and high depending on the consequences of failure of the single welded joint and its effect on persons, facilities & environment
2. Stress Categories are defined by stress factors used to determine the admissible stress factor of joint.
3. CL4 is applicable to manufacturers who do not perform any welding work but, Design, Purchase & Assemble or Purchase & resell
4. High Safety Category and High Stress Category leads to highest quality requirements and manufacturers require a Certification with CL1
5. Combination of Safety Category and Stress Category define Certification Levels CL1 to CL3 with decreasing quality requirements.
EU always focuses on quality requirements that are in line with consequences of failure, which ensure optimal production cost and time.
Manufacturer has to decide applicable certification level for the welding component he is going to manufacture, which is generally defined by the designer / end user.
For certification, the manufacturer has to submit an application to the MCB authorised by ECWRV.
Certification is valid for 3 years from the date of certification, subject to satisfactory annual surveillance audits. Certification is specific to established manufacturers Welding Procedure Qualification Records (WPQRs) in accordance with ISO 15614 or ISO 15613, with availability of welders / welding operator’s qualification for the range of approval.
In general the manufacturer has to have a welding system according to ISO 3834 with applicable part depending on the Certification Class and shall comply with all the applicable requirements of EN 15085.
EN 15085 is always focused on competency of personnel involved, updating of technical knowledge of the personnel, established control for manufacturing and testing, proper control of measuring & manufacturing tools like fixtures and instruments.
Welding is a special process, which requires knowledge, skill and experience to ensure the required quality level of weld with a proper process control. As weld quality cannot be readily measured once done, hence EN 15085 focuses on a welding coordinator, who should be qualified, trained and experienced to ensure the quality of the production weld. He should also be in position to execute the responsibilities as defined in EN ISO 14731.
Indian Railways has already initiated the requirement of ISO 3834 approval for welded component manufacturers supplying to the Indian Railways.
As a recognised manufacturer certification body, TÜV NORD offers certification based on DIN EN 15085-2 to all manufacturers of railway vehicles and components.
About the Author

TUV India Pvt. Ltd.