What is NORSOK?
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The NORSOK standards are developed by the Norwegian petroleum industry to ensure adequate safety, value adding and cost effectiveness for petroleum industry developments and operations. Furthermore, NORSOK standards are, as far as possible, intended to replace oil company specifications and serve as references in the authorities’ regulations.
The NORSOK standards are normally based on recognized international standards, adding the provisions deemed necessary to fill the broad needs of the Norwegian petroleum industry. Subject to development and publication of international standards, the relevant NORSOK standard will be withdrawn.
The NORSOK standards are prepared and published with support by The Norwegian Oil Industry Association (OLF), The Federation of Norwegian Industry, Norwegian Shipowners’ Association and The Petroleum Safety Authority Norway.
NORSOK standards are administered and published by Standards Norway. The latest available standard for “Qualification of manufacturers of special materials” is NORSOK M650 edition 04, September 2011.
NORSOK M650 is supported by “Material data sheets (MOS) and element data sheets for piping” NORSOK M630 edition 06, October 2013 This NORSOK standard includes material requirement in a collection of MDS’ for use in piping systems.
The MDS’ can also be applied for components other than piping, e.g. pressure vessels, pumps, strainer, etc.
This NORSOK standard establishes a set of qualification requirements to verify that the manufacturer has sufficient competence and experience of the relevant material grades, and necessary facilities and equipment to manufacture these in the required shapes and sizes with acceptable properties.
This standard is applicable to the following material grades and product forms:
a) Duplex SS: all grades, product forms and dimensions
b) High alloyed austenitic SS: all grades, product forms and dimensions
c) Nickel base alloys: castings
d) Titanium and its alloys: castings
This NORSOK standard is also applicable to critical components or product forms in other materials and for special manufacturing/fabrication processes, e.g. titanium and nickel alloys in other product forms than casting, carbon steel and low alloy steel products and induction/cold bending.
Qualification of manufacturers
The purchaser is responsible for ensuring that the manufacturers are qualified within the essential variables of this NORSOK standard.
Basis for qualification of manufacturers including their nominated sub-contractors shall be as follows:
a) Knowledge and relevant manufacturing experience with the type of material to be qualified
b) Acceptable manufacturing facilities and equipment
c) Established Manufacturing Summary (procedure) covering all manufacturing steps from melting or semi product to finished products
d) An established heat treatment procedure
e) Manufacturers quality system, which shall fulfill the requirements of ISO 9001 f) Results of testing in compliance with this NORSOK standard
The Qualifying Company shall carry out a review of the manufacturer’s facilities, equipment, implementation of procedures and documentation as required by this NORSOK standard at the manufacturers and sub-suppliers premises. The evaluation for acceptance shall concentrate on facilities and equipment for melting, refining, forming, welding, heat treatment, etc. The review shall be carried out by technical competent personnel, with knowledge of metallurgical aspects. of the applicable alloys, including precipitation diagrams, effect of hot forming, welding, heat treatment, etc., and who has experience relevant for the manufacturing process to be evaluated. The result of the evaluation shall be documented in an evaluation report or a MOM.
Acceptance of qualification
A complete QTR (qualification test record) with content in compliance as listed below shall be established for possible acceptance.
a) QTR front page.
b) Table of content
c) Manufacturing Summary, see Clause 8, including
1) Process flow chart
2) Sketches showing typical samples with dimensions of production test samples and location and orientation of test specimens.
d) Heat treatment procedure
1) Report on the verification of heat treatment procedure, see 9.3,
2) Report on the temperature uniformity test, see 9.1.3 and Annex B.
e) Results of qualification testing including
1) Description of component(s) tested for qualification. Sketch (es) shall be prepared showing dimensions of test sample and location and orientation of test specimens
2) Heat treatment chart(s) from the heat treatments of the components used for the qualification testing,
3) Test reports with results from qualification testing
4) Start material certificate (when applicable)
f) WPSs and WPQRs
1) Welded products: a list of WPSs/WPQRs shall be included,
2) Castings: the actual WPS/WPQRs for repair welding of minor and major repairs shall be included.
g) Specific reference list h) Documentation of quality assurance system including
1) ISO certificate(s) according to ISO 9001
2) Certificate of compliance to PED 2014/68/EU, Annex I, paragraph 4.3, as available.
i) MOM(s) from visit(s) to manufacturer by purchaser as required in 5.2
The original signed and filled in QTR front page is the only valid proof of being accepted according to this NORSOK standard. In addition to it we, issue “CONFIRMATION” according to NORSOK M650 to the manufacture. Sample attached for reference to all.
The validity of a qualification is 5 years from the date of acceptance (signing) of the QTR front page. The qualification is valid within the parameters specified in 10.2.
TUV India, part of TUV Nord Group a leading Inspection, Testing and Certification is providing services for qualification of manufacturers as per NORSOK M650. We have competent resources strategically placed all over India to cater this service.
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TUV India Pvt Ltd