What is CPR 305/2011?
CPR stands for – Construction Product Regulations, no. CPR 305/2011. It is a regulation of European Union which lay downs harmonised conditions for the marketing of construction products in European Union. This technical regulation lays down the assessment methods and criteria for verification of consistency of performance of construction products in relation to their essential characteristics and lays the rules & conditions for the affixing of CE marking. The aim is to ensure the safety of construction work in European Union including mechanical resistance & stability, fire safety, hygiene, health & environment and others applicable to construction products.
The regulation is mandatory for all the countries of European Union which presently consists of 28 countries.
At present TUV India provides services under TUV NORD Systems GmBH & Co. (Notified Body- 0045) accreditation within the scope of CPR for construction product for
- Assessment & Verification of Constancy of performance under System 1
- Assessment & Verification of Constancy of performance under System 2
- Assessment & Verification of Constancy of performance under System 3
The assessment and verification of consistency of performance is carried out as per harmonized technical specification which include harmonised standards and European Assessment Document. Harmonised standards then lay down the methods and criteria for assessing the performance of construction products in relation to its essential characteristics.
The assessment of performance for construction products can be carried out only by Notified bodies which are recognized third party. The tasks of notified body involves
- Unique product reference
- Intended Use
- System of assessment
- Harmonised standard
- Manufacturer registered address/ His authorized representative
- Declared Performance in line with essential characteristics as per harmonised standard
Once the manufacturer has drawn up the Declaration of performance they must affix CE marking to the product.
CE marking indicates that the performance of the product has been assessed.
CE marking enables a construction product to be placed legally on the market in any of the European Union Country.
Factory production control system certification issued under System 2+ is valid for 5 year subject to annual Surveillance audit of factory production control.
TUV India, TUV Nord Group has complete expertise to cater to the manufacturers looking for export of their products to European market under Construction product regulations, CPR305/2011 for CE Marking.
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