Course Objectives
Productivity is measure of how efficient we are in using the process inputs to get its output. Productivity is factor of multi-variables, such as quality, labour, capital, and cost. Productivity can be improved by improving quality, eliminate wastes, eliminate defects, reduce cost, and labour investment. Productivity improvement will keep the organization to have a competitive edge over other global business competitors.
TUV India has developed a 2 days training program with the following objectives:
- Understand the general concepts of the productivity
- Know the method of using basic statistics needed to improve productivity
- Understanding the business process and identify improvement opportunities
- Differentiate production from productivity
- Develop metrics to measure productivity for improvement
- Identify the elements of the cost of poor quality and the method to reduce it
- Know and apply the needed tools that can be used to improve productivity
Who should attend ?
Suitable for :
- Production, manufacturing, operations, and maintenance organizations in the public and private sectors
- Top management
- Production managers, operations managers, plant managers, maintenance managers
- Industrial engineers, quality engineers, QC and QA departments
- All who seek to improve the productivity and profitability of their organizations
Course Contents
- Philosophy and framework of company-wide improvement activities
- Characteristics of modern production management
- Profitability and productivity of various companies
- Characteristics of Productivity Improvement activities
- Concept of waste and significance of ‘Kaizen”
- Concept of workplace organization and practice of “6S”
- 3M for Business Success
- Build and Customise Sustainable Productivity Improvement System
- Implementing an Effective Productivity Drive
- Engaging the Workforce to be Motivated
- Develop and Benchmark metrics
- Measure Productivity and Evaluate the Implementation
- Tools and propensity of Productivity improvement Tool
- 8 Types of Waste
- Cost of Poor Quality
- Problem Solving
- Workplace Organization
For Senior Management (additional content) The DNA of your company’s productivity program
- Measuring Productivity (National, Industry, Firm level)
- GDP and the workfoce
- Developing Indicators
- Incentives and Gain-sharing Plans
- Linking company productivity to wages and performance management
Certificate of attendance shall be issued to all the delegates attending entire duration of the training course.
2 Days