Pressure equipment

Certification of pressure equipment and assemblies

We perform certification of pressure equipment to requirements of Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers of Latvia No. 348 of 07.06. 2016 "Requirements for equipment operating under pressure and its assemblies" and requirements of EU Pressure Equipment Directive 2014/68/EU.


Certification is carried out for following types of pressure equipment:

  • pressure vessels
  • cryogenic gas storage tanks
  • heat exchangers
  • receivers
  • technological pipelines
  • boiler equipment
  • gas stations.


TUV NORD Baltik is designated by the European Commission as notified body nr. 1409 to assess conformity of pressure equipment and to issue certificates of conformity for pressure equipment and for CE marking thereof according to the following modules of Pressure Equipment Directive 2014/68/EU:


  • Module A2: Internal production checks plus supervised pressure equipment checks at random intervals
  • Module B: EU-Type examination - Production type
  • Module B: EU-Type examination - Design type
  • Module C2: Conformity to Type based on internal production control plus supervised pressure equipment checks at random intervals
  • Module F: Conformity to Type based on pressure equipment verification
  • Module G: Conformity based on Unit verification
  • Module H: Conformity based on full quality assurance
  • Module H1: Conformity based on full quality assurance plus design examination.

We look forward to your inquiry

Saremas str. 3
Riga, LV-1005, Latvia

Tel.: +371 24990980