What is BRC GS (IOP) ?
BRC GS (IOP) is a commonly used standard in the food packaging industry. It sets the directions for ensuring its safety.
It is a system intended for companies that produce packaging that comes into contact with food. BRC together with the IOP Packaging Institute have created a global standard BRC GS IOP for manufacturers of packaging and packaging materials, establishing a recognized international standard for packaging.
Obtaining BRC GS IOP certification gives the company international recognition for quality, safety and product responsibility. The implementation of BRC GS IOP guarantees the safety of manufactured packaging and the fulfilment of all legal and hygienic requirements.
Who is the standard for?
For manufacturers and suppliers of all packaging materials including storage and transport:
- direct food contact materials
- Indirect food contact materials
- non-food contact materials (cosmetics, toys, etc.)
What areas does the standard cover?
BRC GS IOP covers the following areas:
- hazard identification and risk assessment
- management system in production
- ensuring proper production environment (i.e. implementation of GMP and GHP principles), product and process control
- pollution control, migration of elements, chemical composition, laboratory tests
- personnel
Powyższa analiza obejmuje najistotniejsze obszary produkcji, związane bezpośrednio i pośrednio z opakowaniami. System ma za zadanie zapewnienie bezpieczeństwa produktów spożywczych pakowanych w różnorakie opakowania.
Audits are carried out at dates agreed upon between TÜV NORD Polska and the customer. The duration of the audit depends on the size and type of the production plant. The minimum duration of an audit as defined by the British Retail Consortium is 12 hours. The audit ends with a report, and in the case of possible non-conformities, a list of them is produced. On the basis of the list of non-conformities, the audited company prepares a plan of corrective actions with deadlines for their implementation. The report and the list of non-conformities along with the plan of corrective actions is sent to the certification body, where a decision is made to issue a certificate. Usually, the validity period of the certificate is 1 year.
- easier cooperation with domestic and foreign customers
- avoidance of multiple audits by customers
- cost reduction through systematic preventive measures
- improvement of the company, processes and products
- assistance in supervision of the fulfilment of legal and customer requirements with regard to packaging
- required by chain customers as proof of supplier compliance with BRC GS IOP requirements
We invite you to contact us

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