GLOBALG.A.P. - the GFSI recognized label for ecological responsibility and integrity
GLOBALG.A.P. is a private sector standard specifies the requirements for agricultural products and how they are produced on farm. The main focus is to produce safe fresh products and minimize the environmental impact by restricting the chemical input usage and responsible approach towards the farm workers health & safety and animal welfare. GLOBALG.A.P. is much suitable to the growers and exporters of fresh fruit, vegetable and flowers and is benchmarked by GFSI.
GLOBAL G.A.P has the for the following options for certifications:
- Option 1 (Individual Farmer)
- Option 2 (Group of farmers)
The benefit to you with GLOBALG.A.P.
- Greater trust in your products
- High value profile for your product and/or your brand
- Access to new markets
- Advertise your certified products on the consumer portal (
- Control of food and product safety means less reputational risk
- Cost savings through efficient operational and administrative processes
Certification Process