EU Emissions Trading Scheme
The European Union introduced the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) in 2005 as the cornerstone of its strategy to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases at the lowest possible cost. The EU ETS is the first major carbon market in the world and still by far the largest today. As the first international emissions trading system dealing with greenhouse gas emissions from companies, the European system accounts for more than three quarters of the trading volume of the international carbon market and acts as its engine.
By enabling companies to buy credits from emission-reducing projects around the world, the EU ETS also acts as an important driver for investment in clean technologies and low-carbon solutions. Given the serious consequences of global warming, climate change has become a real global challenge.
TUV NORD has been active in environmental protection for more than 50 years and, as one of the world's leading technical inspection services, has decided to take up the challenge of climate change. Since the introduction of the EU ETS, TUV NORD has been active as one of the leading verification organisations in Europe and the world. Starting with the first baseline verification campaign, TUV NORD has verified several 100 million tonnes of CO2 under the scheme to date.