June 2023
The New OASIS v.3 is almost here!
The new OASIS v. 3 will soon be available to all users! On Friday, June 16, 2023, the IAQG shared with all OASIS Users, that the planned “check” before the OASIS freeze and v.3 implementation went well and things are on schedule. This means the freeze of the current version of OASIS (status of “read only”) is on target for June 30th with a “Go Live” of v.3 on July 17, 2023.
As previously mentioned, the current version of OASIS we are using today, will be placed in a read only status and unable to accept any new entries. All new entries will be made in the new, OASIS v. 3, once live on July 17th. We strongly urge you to visit the IAQG OASIS Knowledge Base – the hub of information, resources, and guidance for your journey with the OASIS Platform.
On this website you will find:
User manuals and guidance for all the new and improved features of OASIS v.3.
Get a feel for the new platform and format. You can also check out some early development videos at “OASIS v3 – IAQG”
Learn a little about Intact, the marvelous Developers responsible for supporting the IAQG in bringing their vision for the new OASIS v.3 to life.
The Certification Oversight Team (ICOT, formerly ICOP) is expected to issue a guidance document soon regarding how audit data will be managed during the freeze. TUV USA will provide further information as soon as it becomes available.
May 2023
TUV USA is pleased to join the IAQG in announcing the arrival of the new OASIS v.3
A recent notification was sent through OASIS, alerting all users to the start of the 60-Day Launch of the new and improved OASIS Database, OASIS v.3. Starting on May 18, 2023, IAQG and their developers began to make final preparations for the “go-live” of the new database and have planned a “go/no-go” check on June 17, 2023, which kicks off the 30-Day Launch. On June 30, 2023, the current OASIS NG (Next Generation) will be placed into a read-only freeze while data is transferred into the new OASIS v.3, scheduled to go live on July 17, 2023.
During this time, current and historical data will be available in a read-only format, but any changes or new entries will be held until after the new OASIS v.3 is operational on July 17, 2023. IAQG should be releasing further information and guidance for supporting audits and certificates during this time, and we will post an update to this blog as soon as this information becomes available.
Since the new OASIS v.3 was announced, TUV USA developed a plan to ensure uninterrupted service delivery to our clients. We have built in several options that give us great flexibility to adjust that plan as needed, based on the anticipated guidance forthcoming from IAQG. As we all know, even the best-laid plans and preventives when performing system migrations can take unexpected turns, and we are prepared to handle even the most catastrophic failures, should they occur.
OASIS v.3 Launch Timeline (Source: OASIS v3 – IAQG)
May 18 – 60 Day Launch
June 17 – 30 Day Launch
June 30 – Current OASIS frozen, available for read-only, while data is migrated over to the new v.3 platform
July 17 – Expect the new OASIS v.3 to be online and usable; the current OASIS (Next Gen or NG) would remain frozen and read-only.
TUV USA would also like to share the new “IAQG OASIS Knowledge Base – the hub of information, resources, and guidance for your journey with the OASIS Platform” Website at Site Home - IAQG Knowledge Base (intact-systems.com)
On this website, you will find:
- User manuals and guidance for all the new and improved features of OASIS v.3.
- Get a feel for the new platform and format. You can also check out some early development videos at “OASIS v3 – IAQG”
- Learn a little about Intact, the marvelous Developers responsible for supporting the IAQG in bringing their vision for the new OASIS v.3 to life.
April 2023
AS9104 Series and AS9101 Standard Transition
Doing business with OEM and Prime Manufacturers nowadays requires certification to one or more AS9100 Series Standards. Industry-wide, first-tier and sub-contract suppliers continue to see these requirements flowed in purchase orders and contracts. The AS9100 Series Standards is desired as it meets the needs and expectations of the Aviation, Space and Defense industry as it increases the reliability and quality of products and services of the supply chain.
The industry's requirements are constantly changing and in response, the standards and audit approach must respond accordingly. Recently, two important standards of the AS9100 Series of Standards were revised; AS9104/1 (2022) and AS9101 (G). Both will impact how audits are planned, delivered and documented. While TUV USA, Inc. will manage the majority of the changes, there will be a greater responsibility placed on certified organizations in the planning and certification process.
What are the most important changes?
- Better alignment with ISO. The AS9100, AS9110 and AS9120 standards have long been inclusive of the ISO9001 requirements but had some significant differences. The same goes for ISO17021 and AS9104/1. Thanks in part to the last transition activities, the AS9104/1 is now able to better align with ISO17021, and the supporting standards, resulting in a more streamlined standard with better value added.
- Organization Site Structures. Instead of the current five structure types (Single Site, Multiple Site, Campus, Several Sites, and Complex), there will be just two (Single Site and Multi-Site). While most organizations, except Single Site, are expected to easily be converted to a Multi-Site, there may be situations where a review of the structure eligibility will need to be reconsidered.
- Organization Certification Analysis Process, aka OCAP. While the new OCAP Tool will be a step up from the current way in which audit durations are calculated (using the Audit Duration Calculation or ADC), it will offer the ability to customize the audit duration to an Organization and each site, and consider factors such as the size of the Organization, Maturity of the QMS, Customer Satisfaction, Risks, Process Performance and the Internal Audit Process. The OCAP Tool will rely heavily on information provided by the Organization and information will be required at least three months before the audit can be scheduled.
- Audit Duration/Time. The calculation of Audit Duration and Audit Time is better defined and provides a mandated 20% allocation of the Audit for planning and audit reporting. This allocation will increase the audit's value and ensure a customized focus on the organization's operational context through its QMS. It will also allow greater flexibility of duration/time allocation to each site by allocating more to one site and less to another.
- Remote Audits. One good thing to come of the Covid Pandemic was the realization that it is possible to perform a greater portion of the audit remotely. The maximum allowed proportion of remote audits will be increased from 30% to 50% per-site basis.
- The Online Aerospace Supplier Information System or OASIS. OASIS is getting a complete reface! While we don’t have much information to share right now, we are expecting the new “OASIS v. 3” to not only support the revision of AS9101 but to offer a new and updated format to audit documentation, with enhanced information, better navigation, more user-friendliness, and perhaps even some new database functionality.
What Are the Benefits to Certified Organizations From These Changes?
- Both TUV USA and our clients will work together to ensure the audit is planned consistently and well in advance and be of a duration that is tailored to the Organization, not just a table of numbers.
- The increased use of remote auditing will not only offer more efficient use of the industry’s Auditor resources but may realize cost savings for Certified Organizations due to a reduction in the amount of time away from home for the Auditor (and Team) and with ongoing restrictions with flight availability, may offer more options for flying.
- The risk-based approach of the new calculation method (based on IAF MD5) will offer reductions of audit time, up to as much as 30% (50% for Organizations without Design), which was previously only available to Several Site Structures.
What To Expect and When
The standards committees had expected to release all the revised standards in late 2019/early 2020; however, when the Covid Pandemic hit, it significantly impacted those plans. As some revisions were delayed, the committees identified additional key changes to be included and withheld some releases until as late as this January 2023 (the new OASIS is still TBD).
With the delays, targeted transition dates across the industry had to be pushed out and additional changes made. Our Accreditation Body, ANAB transitioned in late 2022 and at this time, considering preparations and time for the industry Auditor resources to be trained and their authentications updated, TUV USA is targeting the end of summer/early Q4/2023 to have our transition approval for accreditation and begin conducting audits in accordance with the new revisions.
In the coming months, please continue to check our website and follow us on social media for the latest updates and changes. We will begin posting informational documentation and presentations on the changes to the standards and how this will impact organizations currently certified or seeking certification for the first time.
August 2022
Aerospace standards transition and new oasis database
Contributed by: Deann Minamino
Certification to AS9100, AS9110, and AS9120, depends not just on these core standards of the Aviation, Space and Defense Industry, but also on a foundation by which assessments and ongoing compliance by authorities, such as TUV USA, manage and perform these services. To ensure the needs and expectations of the industry continue to be met, these standards must undergo periodic revision.
Normally, we see a review and revision of the standards approximately every 5 years. In between these revisions, we are provided supplemental rules, requirements and clarifications, to sustain the evolving needs of the industry, which are later rolled up in these revisions. These forthcoming revisions were planned to have occurred in 2020 however, the Covid-19 Pandemic required an immediate shift of focus to sustaining certification activities and the industry recognized it was not an appropriate time to introduce such a change.
Beginning this year (2022), we will begin to undergo the transition. This is a long-awaited change that will not only provide realignment with the ISO9001 standard but result in a more structured analysis of a certified organizations performance, risks and complexity of their processes and services and the documented output of the certification audit. We will also see an exciting change to OASIS, offering increased functionality and user interface.
While some dates are still in fluctuation, others have been confirmed, some even having already occurred. We would like to encourage you to check back frequently for updates and invite you to attend, or view, our upcoming communications on the changes as they become available. In the meantime, should you have any questions, please email or telephone TUV-Nord, USA, or follow us on our social media pages, found on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook.

AS9104/1: Requirements for Certification of Aviation, Space and Defense Quality Management Systems. This standard defines the scheme requirements for managing AQMS certification.
AS9104/3: Requirements for Aviation, Space and Defense Auditor Training, Development, Competence, and Authentication. This standard defines requirements for Auditors, CB’s, AAB’s, TPAB’s and TP’s.
AS9101: Audit Requirements for Aviation, Space and Defense – includes the forms within OASIS.
OCAP Tool: (Organization Certification Analysis Process) – Replaces Audit Duration Calculation (ADC) Tool. Used to calculate audit durations based on size, structure, scope, risk and complexity.