ISO 14064-1 - Greenhouse gases

ISO 14064-1 - Greenhouse gases

Introduction of ISO 14064-1

Climate change due to increasing greenhouse gas concentrations is having increasingly negative impacts on the lives of people on Earth.

One of the first steps to mitigate the effects of greenhouse gases is for every organization and nation to quantify their greenhouse gas emissions annually.

ISO 14064-1 standard issued by the ISO organization provides a framework, methodology, and basic guidelines for quantifying and reporting greenhouse gas emissions and removals at the organizational level.

The principles of this standard include:

  • Relevance
  • Completeness
  • Accuracy
  • Consistency
  • Transparency


  • The prerequisites to assist organizations in developing strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, moving towards carbon neutrality.
  • Information in the greenhouse gas emission and removal report is reliable and equitable.
  • The greenhouse gas emission and removal report information will be independently verified by a third party, providing a reliable source of information for reporting to stakeholders such as customers, parent companies, or government regulatory agencies to comply with legal requirements.
  • The ability to harmonize greenhouse gas management methods with other ISO standards such as ISO 14067 on product carbon footprint and ISO 14068-1 on carbon neutrality.

TUV NORD Services

  • The TUV NORD Group in general, and TUV NORD Vietnam in particular, have extensive experience in independently verification and validation of greenhouse gas reporting projects worldwide.
  • Our verification/validation team have deep and wide-ranging knowledge with many years of experience and long-term commitment to TÜV NORD. This ensures independence, neutrality, objectivity, and also means that we can continually understand our clients' operations.
  • The results of our verification/validation opinions are independently reviewed and ensure reliability, objectivity, and neutrality towards clients and stakeholders.
  • Please refer to the service description document and contact our sales team for more information about our services.